Sometimes you just need someone with a little experience.


ReadyMade Campaigns is partnering with PMCohen Public Affairs and Greenhouse Campaigns to offer cost-effective group coaching options.

PMCohen Public Affairs and offers a variety of political campaign services, including all aspects of voter targeting using PDI’s data and tools.

Greenhouse Campaigns provides a diverse, nationwide team of coaches who are committed to your success and ready to help.

Coaches are independent contractors who set their own schedules and prices, so in every price range you can find a coach who will be the best fit for your campaign’s needs.

Your coach tracks your progress, helps you set goals and prioritize for the biggest impact. In 2018, this coaching support gave their candidates an average bump of 16 percentage points on the ballot.

PMCohen Public Affairs

Paul Cohen

Paul Cohen is the owner of PMCohen Public Affairs and offers a variety of political campaign services, including all aspects of voter targeting using PDI’s data and tools. Since 2012 Paul has run or worked on dozens of successful campaigns throughout Northern California, and has beta-tested some of PDI’s advanced features.

Prior to starting his own business in 2012, Mr. Cohen spent over a decade as the Director of Government and Public Relations for the Northern California Carpenters. In that capacity, he worked on numerous political campaigns from local to statewide.

He has also run for and served on his local School Board and City Council, so he brings the perspective of a local candidate to his consulting advice.

Campaign Greenhouse

Sally Boynton Brown 

We have two goals at Campaign Greenhouse. At a lofty level, we want to help build a democracy where everyone (no matter what age, race, gender identity or expression, sexuality, physical ability, path to citizenship, education, employment, income, religion or lack thereof, parental status, relationship status, housing status, language spoken, et cetera), EVERYONE has access to the resources and support they need to run a successful campaign.

We believe that knocking down roadblocks and making pathways to power more accessible is a critical part of a representative democracy!

Secondly, we focus on races not many other folks are focused on: down-ballot races like school board, city council etc, primary races, and races in rural and red areas. 

Choose from $25 per month or $100 per month for monthly or weekly coaching calls.

Set up a free coaching call with Sally Boynton Brown to learn more about the Campaign Greenhouse model: